Friday, January 08, 2010

Snow Days, Snow Days...out of school again Days!

In early December Rachel and Izzy enjoyed playing outside...though later Izzy took the carrot nose off the snowman and knocked it down!

Snow much fun!

Christmas Day at Grandma Sherry and Grandpa Paul's...bad weather made for a bit of play time outside for the kids!

Twenty inches of snow in the Bronson area made for a winter wonderland...lucky most of the family was able to make it there to celebrate the holidays! ...though we really missed Jonnie and Steve! :-(

Sledding at Grandma and Grandpa's farm in Bronson was so much fun!

Though Ava didn't go sledding, she did great outside for our photo shoot in the snow!

A Bronson Christmas!

It was so exciting to meet cousin Ava and too have fun with Olivia again!

The little girls from Texas sure seemed to enjoy the holidays in
Iowa! They liked the snow even if their parents didn't! And Olivia was soooooo excited for the presents!

Jacob and Rachel had fun with their little cousins!

Merry Christmas!

I don't think Izzy really enjoyed the reindeer antlers!

Izzy couldn't help but join in the tradition of coloring in our Night Before Christmas book.

The cousins had a great time at Grandma Sherry and Grandpa Paul's always!

The whole family.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Falcon Football-6th graders

The 6th graders haven't had a winning season, but they have learned a lot and have certainly progressed.

Cousin Samuel thought Jacob was the most awesome football player out there. It made Jacob smile...even after a loss.

Jacob absolutely loves football and has found good friends in his teammates.

(Jacob is blocking in the center of the pic here)
Jacob puts all his effort into doing his job out there...even when he has to block a guy twice his size! They have faced several REALLY big kids this year...we begin to wonder: how many years do some of these kids get to be in sixth grade?
Jacob has knocked a couple of them on their backsides, though. Good job, kid!

Blake's Big Birthday!

We had a great night to have a party and had a great turnout to celebrate Blake's 40th!

Family, friends, neighbors and kids, kids, kids everywhere!

The Philby's move to Iowa!

It is so nice that my sister and her family have moved back to Iowa. We have had so much fun getting to see them so often.

A trip to Adventureland for the first time with Leah and Samuel. We had a big day with lots of fun...on Grandma Sherry's birthday!

Oh, yeah. The kids love to come out to our place...mostly because of the river. Getting onto the sand bar is a treasure hunt every time...we never know what we will find.
We don't really let them swim in the river...I don't trust currents, but this was an area between the shore and the sand bar so it was current free.

21st Class Reunion

Ever been to a 21 year reunion? Yes, we missed last year so got together this year instead. It was fun to see people I haven't seen in, oh, 20 to 21 years.

It was fun spending time with some old friends...and re-living the old b-ball days!

We also stayed with our good friends, the Reiders, and the kids had a blast swimming in their pool.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Disney Trip!

Our long awaited trip to Disney was taken the day after the kids got out of school for the summer! We had an awesome trip...though, of course, we were constantly on the go...trying to get everything done in 4 short days! Well, we didn't get everything done, of course, but we had prioritized activities before the trip so knew the things we most wanted to do as a family on this trip!

We managed to hit all of Disney's main theme parks...spending a day at each one. We really loved the Star Wars Weekend at Hollywood Studios and the night time shows at Hollywood Studios and Epcot! I could go to Disney every year...I'll never grow up!