Friday, January 08, 2010

Snow Days, Snow Days...out of school again Days!

In early December Rachel and Izzy enjoyed playing outside...though later Izzy took the carrot nose off the snowman and knocked it down!

Snow much fun!

Christmas Day at Grandma Sherry and Grandpa Paul's...bad weather made for a bit of play time outside for the kids!

Twenty inches of snow in the Bronson area made for a winter wonderland...lucky most of the family was able to make it there to celebrate the holidays! ...though we really missed Jonnie and Steve! :-(

Sledding at Grandma and Grandpa's farm in Bronson was so much fun!

Though Ava didn't go sledding, she did great outside for our photo shoot in the snow!

A Bronson Christmas!

It was so exciting to meet cousin Ava and too have fun with Olivia again!

The little girls from Texas sure seemed to enjoy the holidays in
Iowa! They liked the snow even if their parents didn't! And Olivia was soooooo excited for the presents!

Jacob and Rachel had fun with their little cousins!

Merry Christmas!

I don't think Izzy really enjoyed the reindeer antlers!

Izzy couldn't help but join in the tradition of coloring in our Night Before Christmas book.

The cousins had a great time at Grandma Sherry and Grandpa Paul's always!

The whole family.